Grown in Rheinhessen + Pfalz   Lightning-fast climate-neutral DPD-shipping.
Logo Weingut Fuchs

Privacy Policy

The Fuchs Wine Estate takes the protection of your privacy and of your personal data very seriously. We strictly conform to the German laws of privacy policy. The following informations inform you about our privacy policy.

By clicking to "I agree" on the contact-us page and by sending an order, you agree with this terms of privacy policy.

Inquiry and Use of Personal Data
No personal data are required to use our website. We require personal data as far as they are necessary for billing and delivery. Further data are voluntary.

Customer’s Account
If you create a customer’s account in the online shop, you need your email address and password for login. A customer’s account enables you to safe different delivery addresses and to see your former orders. In case of newsletter subscription we will use your email address for it.

Orders Without Customer’s Account
Orders without customer’s account are for billing and delivery only. As soon as you leave the online shop, all data will be deleted within the shop system.

Informationen from the Fuchs Wine Estate
Once to twice a year we send our customers the new wine list. You will also receive an invitation in case we attend a fair or a wine presentation nearby. If you do not wish these informations, please let us know.

Use of Your Data
We will use your data only to contact you and to handle your order. The data will not be given to any third party unless necessary for proper delivery such as:

Data Transfer via SSL Encoding
SSL means “Secure Socket Layer”. The data transfer between the customer’s browser and the server is encoded so that nobody can spy on the data. SSL is used for the entire website.

Your Right to be Informed
According to the German law of privacy you have the right to be informed about the stored data and if necessary to correct, to block or to delete them.

Your confidence is important to us. We will inform you about your data on demand. Please call us (+49-6243-213) or use our contact form. Contact persons: Hans-Jakob or Hildegard Fuchs.

Processing or delition of data and revocation of agreement
You are entitled to revoke an agreement any time. Your personal data will be deleted

Data which must be stored for legal reasons such as bookkeeping are excepted from deletion.

The online shop uses session cookies which are necessary for full functionality of the shop system. Only cookies technically necessary in the shop system are used, but no third party cookies at all.

Cookies are small text files which your browser temporarily stores. They do no harm and do not contain any malware. If you deactivate the use of cookies, the shop might not work properly.

Web Analysis via Matomo (former Piwik)
This website uses the open source web analysis tool Matomo for statistical purposes in order to collect data about how our visitors use the website and to analyse those data. Thus among others things we can find out when which sites were visited and from which region the visits came. Furthermore, we collect different log files—e.g. shortened IP adress, referrer, browsers and operation systems used—and can find out, if our visitors act in special ways (e.g. clicks, purchases etc.).

The use of this analysis tools is based on article 6 par. 1 lit. f DSGVO. The owner of the website has a legimate interest to analyse the users’ behaviour in order to optimise both their website and their advertising.

While analysing the collected data we use IP-Anonymising, shortening the IP address, so that we cannot explicitly assign it to you.

Cookieless Analysis
Matomo is configurated to work without the use of cookies.

We use Matomo on our own server only. Therefore, all analysis data are located there and will not be forwarded to third parties.

Version 4 – Last update 2024-05-15

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